
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hedgehog Beanie

In between wraps to break up the project a bit I completed this hedgehog hat. I really loved this pattern because of the texture with the bobbles. It came out really great.
The pattern I used is: Prickle the Hedgehog by Fiona Goble

I did make a couple of changes. One being I used worsted weight yarn instead of the DK yarn called for in the pattern. There was also a mistake in the pattern. Details below

I used worsted weight yarn instead of DK yarn. It came out a little bigger because of that, about 20in after the crochet boarder. (about 21 before) Fits my adult 22in head.
There is a mistake in the pattern at row 35-39. The bobbles are supposed to be staggered, and at row 35 they are on top of each other if you follow the pattern. Here is what i did instead
35: k2, MB (k2tog, k1, MB)8x k3, MB, k3(MB, k1, ssk)8x MB, k2
37: k3 (MB k2tog)9x k1 (k2tog, MB)k3
39: k2 (MB, k1, k2tog)4x MB, k2, MB, k2, MB (ssk, k1, MB)4x k2
I was having trouble doing the decMB, having tried many times, I still kept getting a big hole that would be really visible even after a couple rows. So instead I k2tog as stated above in my revised version. 

Also instead of embroidering on the eyes/nose I crochet circles and stitched them on after. The only other change I made was to the crochet edge. I used a H 5mm hook (I have no idea where my G went to) and had to ch3 dec1 around, untill the nose area where i ch around.
I finally received a client pic!

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